enum Pandocr::OptionType::FromFormat


Enumeration type FromFormat for pandoc's command-line option --from.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Bibtex = 0
Biblatex = 1
Bits = 2
Commonmark = 3
Commonmark_x = 4
Creole = 5
Csljson = 6
Csv = 7
Tsv = 8
Djot = 9
Docbook = 10
Docx = 11
Dokuwiki = 12
Endnotexml = 13
Epub = 14
Fb2 = 15
Gfm = 16
Haddock = 17
Html = 18
Ipynb = 19
Jats = 20
Jira = 21
Json = 22
Latex = 23
Markdown = 24
Markdown_mmd = 25
Markdown_phpextra = 26
Markdown_strict = 27
Mediawiki = 28
Man = 29
Muse = 30
Native = 31
Odt = 32
Opml = 33
Org = 34
Ris = 35
Rtf = 36
Rst = 37
T2t = 38
Textile = 39
Tikiwiki = 40
Twiki = 41
Typst = 42
Wimwiki = 43

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def biblatex? #

def bibtex? #

def bits? #

def commonmark? #

def commonmark_x? #

def creole? #

def csljson? #

def csv? #

def djot? #

def docbook? #

def docx? #

def dokuwiki? #

def endnotexml? #

def epub? #

def fb2? #

def gfm? #

def haddock? #

def html? #

def ipynb? #

def jats? #

def jira? #

def json? #

def latex? #

def man? #

def markdown? #

def markdown_mmd? #

def markdown_phpextra? #

def markdown_strict? #

def mediawiki? #

def muse? #

def native? #

def odt? #

def opml? #

def org? #

def ris? #

def rst? #

def rtf? #

def t2t? #

def textile? #

def tikiwiki? #

def to_s #
Description copied from struct Enum

Returns a String representation of this enum member. In the case of regular enums, this is just the name of the member. In the case of flag enums, it's the names joined by vertical bars, or "None", if the value is zero.

If an enum's value doesn't match a member's value, the raw value is returned as a string.

Color::Red.to_s                     # => "Red"
IOMode::None.to_s                   # => "None"
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write).to_s # => "Read | Write"

Color.new(10).to_s # => "10"

def tsv? #

def twiki? #

def typst? #

def wimwiki? #