class Pandocr::WrappedPandoc


WrappedPandoc wraps the pandoc command-line program in Crystal using the command_wrapper library. This class defines all pandoc command-line options with matching Crystal types.

Typically, you won't use this WrappedPandoc class directly. Instead, you'd use subclass Converter, which adds a number of converter methods.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def abbreviations : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--abbreviations".

For example, to unset "--abbreviations", use:


To inspect the value set for "--abbreviations", use:

v = c.abbreviations.value

To set the value of "--abbreviations", use #abbreviations=

def abbreviations=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--abbreviations".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def ascii : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--ascii".

For example, to unset "--ascii", use:


To inspect the value set for "--ascii", use:

v = c.ascii.value

To set the value of "--ascii", use #ascii=

def ascii=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--ascii".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def bash_completion : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--bash-completion".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--bash-completion". For example, if you want to switch off "--bash-completion", use:

To check if "--bash-completion" is set, use method bash_completion#set?.

def bash_completion=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--bash-completion" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call bash_completion#on and bash_completion#off to switch "--bash-completion" on or off.

def biblatex : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--biblatex".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--biblatex". For example, if you want to switch off "--biblatex", use:

To check if "--biblatex" is set, use method biblatex#set?.

def biblatex=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--biblatex" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call biblatex#on and biblatex#off to switch "--biblatex" on or off.

def bibliography : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--bibliography".

For example, to unset "--bibliography", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.bibliography << value₁
c.bibliography << value₂

if c.bibliography.includes? valueₓ
  c.bibliography.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--bibliography", use:

v = c.bibliography.to_a

To set the values of "--bibliography", use #bibliography=.

def bibliography=(__value : Array(Path | URI)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--bibliography".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def chunk_template : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--chunk-template".

For example, to unset "--chunk-template", use:


To inspect the value set for "--chunk-template", use:

v = c.chunk_template.value

To set the value of "--chunk-template", use #chunk_template=

def chunk_template=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--chunk-template".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def citation_abbreviations : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--citation-abbreviations".

For example, to unset "--citation-abbreviations", use:


To inspect the value set for "--citation-abbreviations", use:

v = c.citation_abbreviations.value

To set the value of "--citation-abbreviations", use #citation_abbreviations=

def citation_abbreviations=(__value : Path | URI) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--citation-abbreviations".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def citeproc : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--citeproc".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--citeproc". For example, if you want to switch off "--citeproc", use:

To check if "--citeproc" is set, use method citeproc#set?.

def citeproc=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--citeproc" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call citeproc#on and citeproc#off to switch "--citeproc" on or off.

def columns : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--columns".

For example, to unset "--columns", use:


To inspect the value set for "--columns", use:

v = c.columns.value

To set the value of "--columns", use #columns=

def columns=(__value : UInt16 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--columns".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def csl : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--csl".

For example, to unset "--csl", use:


To inspect the value set for "--csl", use:

v = c.csl.value

To set the value of "--csl", use #csl=

def csl=(__value : Path | URI) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--csl".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def css : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--css".

For example, to unset "--css", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.css << value₁
c.css << value₂

if c.css.includes? valueₓ
  c.css.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--css", use:

v = c.css.to_a

To set the values of "--css", use #css=.

def css=(__value : Array(URI)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--css".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def data_dir : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--data-dir".

For example, to unset "--data-dir", use:


To inspect the value set for "--data-dir", use:

v = c.data_dir.value

To set the value of "--data-dir", use #data_dir=

def data_dir=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--data-dir".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def default_image_extension : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--default-image-extension".

For example, to unset "--default-image-extension", use:


To inspect the value set for "--default-image-extension", use:

v = c.default_image_extension.value

To set the value of "--default-image-extension", use #default_image_extension=

def default_image_extension=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--default-image-extension".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def defaults : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--defaults".

For example, to unset "--defaults", use:


To inspect the value set for "--defaults", use:

v = c.defaults.value

To set the value of "--defaults", use #defaults=

def defaults=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--defaults".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def dpi : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--dpi".

For example, to unset "--dpi", use:


To inspect the value set for "--dpi", use:

v = c.dpi.value

To set the value of "--dpi", use #dpi=

def dpi=(__value : UInt32 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--dpi".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def dump_args : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--dump-args".

For example, to unset "--dump-args", use:


To inspect the value set for "--dump-args", use:

v = c.dump_args.value

To set the value of "--dump-args", use #dump_args=

def dump_args=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--dump-args".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def email_obfuscation : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--email-obfuscation".

For example, to unset "--email-obfuscation", use:


To inspect the value set for "--email-obfuscation", use:

v = c.email_obfuscation.value

To set the value of "--email-obfuscation", use #email_obfuscation=

def email_obfuscation=(__value : OptionType::EmailObfuscation) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--email-obfuscation".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def embed_resources : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--embed-resources".

For example, to unset "--embed-resources", use:


To inspect the value set for "--embed-resources", use:

v = c.embed_resources.value

To set the value of "--embed-resources", use #embed_resources=

def embed_resources=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--embed-resources".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def eol : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--eol".

For example, to unset "--eol", use:


To inspect the value set for "--eol", use:

v = c.eol.value

To set the value of "--eol", use #eol=

def eol=(__value : OptionType::Eol) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--eol".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def epub_cover_image : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--epub-cover-image".

For example, to unset "--epub-cover-image", use:


To inspect the value set for "--epub-cover-image", use:

v = c.epub_cover_image.value

To set the value of "--epub-cover-image", use #epub_cover_image=

def epub_cover_image=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--epub-cover-image".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def epub_embed_font : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--epub-embed-font".

For example, to unset "--epub-embed-font", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.epub_embed_font << value₁
c.epub_embed_font << value₂

if c.epub_embed_font.includes? valueₓ
  c.epub_embed_font.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--epub-embed-font", use:

v = c.epub_embed_font.to_a

To set the values of "--epub-embed-font", use #epub_embed_font=.

def epub_embed_font=(__value : Array(Path)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--epub-embed-font".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def epub_metadata : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--epub-metadata".

For example, to unset "--epub-metadata", use:


To inspect the value set for "--epub-metadata", use:

v = c.epub_metadata.value

To set the value of "--epub-metadata", use #epub_metadata=

def epub_metadata=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--epub-metadata".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def epub_subdirectory : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--epub-subdirectory".

For example, to unset "--epub-subdirectory", use:


To inspect the value set for "--epub-subdirectory", use:

v = c.epub_subdirectory.value

To set the value of "--epub-subdirectory", use #epub_subdirectory=

def epub_subdirectory=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--epub-subdirectory".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def epub_title_page : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--epub-title-page".

For example, to unset "--epub-title-page", use:


To inspect the value set for "--epub-title-page", use:

v = c.epub_title_page.value

To set the value of "--epub-title-page", use #epub_title_page=

def epub_title_page=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--epub-title-page".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def extract_media : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--extract-media".

For example, to unset "--extract-media", use:


To inspect the value set for "--extract-media", use:

v = c.extract_media.value

To set the value of "--extract-media", use #extract_media=

def extract_media=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--extract-media".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def fail_if_warnings : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--fail-if-warnings".

For example, to unset "--fail-if-warnings", use:


To inspect the value set for "--fail-if-warnings", use:

v = c.fail_if_warnings.value

To set the value of "--fail-if-warnings", use #fail_if_warnings=

def fail_if_warnings=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--fail-if-warnings".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def file_scope : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--file-scope".

For example, to unset "--file-scope", use:


To inspect the value set for "--file-scope", use:

v = c.file_scope.value

To set the value of "--file-scope", use #file_scope=

def file_scope=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--file-scope".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def filter : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--filter".

For example, to unset "--filter", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.filter << value₁
c.filter << value₂

if c.filter.includes? valueₓ
  c.filter.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--filter", use:

v = c.filter.to_a

To set the values of "--filter", use #filter=.

def filter=(__value : Array(Path)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--filter".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def from : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--from".

For example, to unset "--from", use:


To inspect the value set for "--from", use:

v = c.from.value

To set the value of "--from", use #from=

def from=(__value : OptionType::FromFormat | String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--from".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def gladtex : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--gladtex".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--gladtex". For example, if you want to switch off "--gladtex", use:

To check if "--gladtex" is set, use method gladtex#set?.

def gladtex=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--gladtex" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call gladtex#on and gladtex#off to switch "--gladtex" on or off.

def help : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--help".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--help". For example, if you want to switch off "--help", use:

To check if "--help" is set, use method help#set?.

def help=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--help" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call help#on and help#off to switch "--help" on or off.

def highlight_style : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--highlight-style".

For example, to unset "--highlight-style", use:


To inspect the value set for "--highlight-style", use:

v = c.highlight_style.value

To set the value of "--highlight-style", use #highlight_style=

def highlight_style=(__value : OptionType::HighlightStyle | Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--highlight-style".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def html_q_tags : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--html-q-tags".

For example, to unset "--html-q-tags", use:


To inspect the value set for "--html-q-tags", use:

v = c.html_q_tags.value

To set the value of "--html-q-tags", use #html_q_tags=

def html_q_tags=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--html-q-tags".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def id_prefix : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--id-prefix".

For example, to unset "--id-prefix", use:


To inspect the value set for "--id-prefix", use:

v = c.id_prefix.value

To set the value of "--id-prefix", use #id_prefix=

def id_prefix=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--id-prefix".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def ignore_args : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--ignore-args".

For example, to unset "--ignore-args", use:


To inspect the value set for "--ignore-args", use:

v = c.ignore_args.value

To set the value of "--ignore-args", use #ignore_args=

def ignore_args=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--ignore-args".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def include_after_body : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--include-after-body".

For example, to unset "--include-after-body", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.include_after_body << value₁
c.include_after_body << value₂

if c.include_after_body.includes? valueₓ
  c.include_after_body.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--include-after-body", use:

v = c.include_after_body.to_a

To set the values of "--include-after-body", use #include_after_body=.

def include_after_body=(__value : Array(Path | URI)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--include-after-body".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def include_before_body : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--include-before-body".

For example, to unset "--include-before-body", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.include_before_body << value₁
c.include_before_body << value₂

if c.include_before_body.includes? valueₓ
  c.include_before_body.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--include-before-body", use:

v = c.include_before_body.to_a

To set the values of "--include-before-body", use #include_before_body=.

def include_before_body=(__value : Array(Path | URI)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--include-before-body".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def include_in_header : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--include-in-header".

For example, to unset "--include-in-header", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.include_in_header << value₁
c.include_in_header << value₂

if c.include_in_header.includes? valueₓ
  c.include_in_header.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--include-in-header", use:

v = c.include_in_header.to_a

To set the values of "--include-in-header", use #include_in_header=.

def include_in_header=(__value : Array(Path | URI)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--include-in-header".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def incremental : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--incremental".

For example, to unset "--incremental", use:


To inspect the value set for "--incremental", use:

v = c.incremental.value

To set the value of "--incremental", use #incremental=

def incremental=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--incremental".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def indented_code_classes : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--indented-code-classes".

For example, to unset "--indented-code-classes", use:


To inspect the value set for "--indented-code-classes", use:

v = c.indented_code_classes.value

To set the value of "--indented-code-classes", use #indented_code_classes=

def indented_code_classes=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--indented-code-classes".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def ipybn_output : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--ipybn-output".

For example, to unset "--ipybn-output", use:


To inspect the value set for "--ipybn-output", use:

v = c.ipybn_output.value

To set the value of "--ipybn-output", use #ipybn_output=

def ipybn_output=(__value : OptionType::IpybnOutput) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--ipybn-output".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def katex : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--katex".

For example, to unset "--katex", use:


To inspect the value set for "--katex", use:

v = c.katex.value

To set the value of "--katex", use #katex=

def katex=(__value : URI | Nil) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--katex".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def link_images : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--link-images".

For example, to unset "--link-images", use:


To inspect the value set for "--link-images", use:

v = c.link_images.value

To set the value of "--link-images", use #link_images=

def link_images=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--link-images".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def list_extensions : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--list-extensions".

For example, to unset "--list-extensions", use:


To inspect the value set for "--list-extensions", use:

v = c.list_extensions.value

To set the value of "--list-extensions", use #list_extensions=

def list_extensions=(__value : OptionType::FromFormat | OptionType::ToFormat | String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--list-extensions".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def list_highlight_languages : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--list-highlight-languages".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--list-highlight-languages". For example, if you want to switch off "--list-highlight-languages", use:

To check if "--list-highlight-languages" is set, use method list_highlight_languages#set?.

def list_highlight_languages=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--list-highlight-languages" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call list_highlight_languages#on and list_highlight_languages#off to switch "--list-highlight-languages" on or off.

def list_highlight_styles : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--list-highlight-styles".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--list-highlight-styles". For example, if you want to switch off "--list-highlight-styles", use:

To check if "--list-highlight-styles" is set, use method list_highlight_styles#set?.

def list_highlight_styles=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--list-highlight-styles" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call list_highlight_styles#on and list_highlight_styles#off to switch "--list-highlight-styles" on or off.

def list_input_formats : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--list-input-formats".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--list-input-formats". For example, if you want to switch off "--list-input-formats", use:

To check if "--list-input-formats" is set, use method list_input_formats#set?.

def list_input_formats=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--list-input-formats" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call list_input_formats#on and list_input_formats#off to switch "--list-input-formats" on or off.

def list_output_formats : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--list-output-formats".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--list-output-formats". For example, if you want to switch off "--list-output-formats", use:

To check if "--list-output-formats" is set, use method list_output_formats#set?.

def list_output_formats=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--list-output-formats" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call list_output_formats#on and list_output_formats#off to switch "--list-output-formats" on or off.

def list_tables : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--list-tables".

For example, to unset "--list-tables", use:


To inspect the value set for "--list-tables", use:

v = c.list_tables.value

To set the value of "--list-tables", use #list_tables=

def list_tables=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--list-tables".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def listings : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--listings".

For example, to unset "--listings", use:


To inspect the value set for "--listings", use:

v = c.listings.value

To set the value of "--listings", use #listings=

def listings=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--listings".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def log : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--log".

For example, to unset "--log", use:


To inspect the value set for "--log", use:

v = c.log.value

To set the value of "--log", use #log=

def log=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--log".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def lua_filter : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--lua-filter".

For example, to unset "--lua-filter", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.lua_filter << value₁
c.lua_filter << value₂

if c.lua_filter.includes? valueₓ
  c.lua_filter.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--lua-filter", use:

v = c.lua_filter.to_a

To set the values of "--lua-filter", use #lua_filter=.

def lua_filter=(__value : Array(Path)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--lua-filter".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def markdown_headings : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--markdown-headings".

For example, to unset "--markdown-headings", use:


To inspect the value set for "--markdown-headings", use:

v = c.markdown_headings.value

To set the value of "--markdown-headings", use #markdown_headings=

def markdown_headings=(__value : OptionType::MarkdownHeadings) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--markdown-headings".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def mathjax : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--mathjax".

For example, to unset "--mathjax", use:


To inspect the value set for "--mathjax", use:

v = c.mathjax.value

To set the value of "--mathjax", use #mathjax=

def mathjax=(__value : URI | Nil) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--mathjax".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def mathml : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--mathml".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--mathml". For example, if you want to switch off "--mathml", use:

To check if "--mathml" is set, use method mathml#set?.

def mathml=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--mathml" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call mathml#on and mathml#off to switch "--mathml" on or off.

def metadata : CommandWrapper::Option::HashOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::HashOption to manage the key-value pairs of the hash-like command-line option "--metadata".

For example, to unset "--metadata", add two key-value pairs, and then check if a key is set and has a specific value to remove it, use:


c.metadata[key₁] = value₁
c.metadata[key₂] = value₂

if c.metadata.has_key? keyₓ && c.metadata[keyₓ] == valueₙ
  c.metadata.remove! keyₓ

To inspect the key-value pairs set for "--metadata", use:

v = c.metadata.to_h

To set the key-value pairs of "--metadata", use #metadata=.

def metadata=(__value : Hash(String, String)) #

Sets the key-value pairs of the hash-like command-line option "--metadata".

Raises an ArgumentError when any key-value pair in value is invalid.

def metadata_file : CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ArrayOption to manage the values of the array-like command-line option "--metadata-file".

For example, to unset "--metadata-file", add two values, and then check if a value is set to remove it, use:


c.metadata_file << value₁
c.metadata_file << value₂

if c.metadata_file.includes? valueₓ
  c.metadata_file.remove! valueₓ

To inspect the values set for "--metadata-file", use:

v = c.metadata_file.to_a

To set the values of "--metadata-file", use #metadata_file=.

def metadata_file=(__value : Array(Path)) #

Sets the values of the array-like command-line option "--metadata-file".

Raises an ArgumentError when any item in value is invalid.

def natbib : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--natbib".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--natbib". For example, if you want to switch off "--natbib", use:

To check if "--natbib" is set, use method natbib#set?.

def natbib=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--natbib" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call natbib#on and natbib#off to switch "--natbib" on or off.

def no_check_certificate : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--no-check-certificate".

For example, to unset "--no-check-certificate", use:


To inspect the value set for "--no-check-certificate", use:

v = c.no_check_certificate.value

To set the value of "--no-check-certificate", use #no_check_certificate=

def no_check_certificate=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--no-check-certificate".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def no_highlight : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--no-highlight".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--no-highlight". For example, if you want to switch off "--no-highlight", use:

To check if "--no-highlight" is set, use method no_highlight#set?.

def no_highlight=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--no-highlight" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call no_highlight#on and no_highlight#off to switch "--no-highlight" on or off.

def number_offset : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--number-offset".

For example, to unset "--number-offset", use:


To inspect the value set for "--number-offset", use:

v = c.number_offset.value

To set the value of "--number-offset", use #number_offset=

def number_offset=(__value : UInt8 | Int32 | String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--number-offset".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def number_sections : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--number-sections".

For example, to unset "--number-sections", use:


To inspect the value set for "--number-sections", use:

v = c.number_sections.value

To set the value of "--number-sections", use #number_sections=

def number_sections=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--number-sections".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def output : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--output".

For example, to unset "--output", use:


To inspect the value set for "--output", use:

v = c.output.value

To set the value of "--output", use #output=

def output=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--output".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def pdf_engine : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--pdf-engine".

For example, to unset "--pdf-engine", use:


To inspect the value set for "--pdf-engine", use:

v = c.pdf_engine.value

To set the value of "--pdf-engine", use #pdf_engine=

def pdf_engine=(__value : OptionType::PdfEngine | Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--pdf-engine".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def pdf_engine_opt : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--pdf-engine-opt".

For example, to unset "--pdf-engine-opt", use:


To inspect the value set for "--pdf-engine-opt", use:

v = c.pdf_engine_opt.value

To set the value of "--pdf-engine-opt", use #pdf_engine_opt=

def pdf_engine_opt=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--pdf-engine-opt".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def preserve_tabs : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--preserve-tabs".

For example, to unset "--preserve-tabs", use:


To inspect the value set for "--preserve-tabs", use:

v = c.preserve_tabs.value

To set the value of "--preserve-tabs", use #preserve_tabs=

def preserve_tabs=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--preserve-tabs".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def print_default_template : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--print-default-template".

For example, to unset "--print-default-template", use:


To inspect the value set for "--print-default-template", use:

v = c.print_default_template.value

To set the value of "--print-default-template", use #print_default_template=

def print_default_template=(__value : OptionType::ToFormat | String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--print-default-template".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def print_highlight_style : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--print-highlight-style".

For example, to unset "--print-highlight-style", use:


To inspect the value set for "--print-highlight-style", use:

v = c.print_highlight_style.value

To set the value of "--print-highlight-style", use #print_highlight_style=

def print_highlight_style=(__value : OptionType::HighlightStyle | Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--print-highlight-style".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def quiet : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--quiet".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--quiet". For example, if you want to switch off "--quiet", use:

To check if "--quiet" is set, use method quiet#set?.

def quiet=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--quiet" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call quiet#on and quiet#off to switch "--quiet" on or off.

def reference_doc : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--reference-doc".

For example, to unset "--reference-doc", use:


To inspect the value set for "--reference-doc", use:

v = c.reference_doc.value

To set the value of "--reference-doc", use #reference_doc=

def reference_doc=(__value : Path | URI) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--reference-doc".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def reference_links : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--reference-links".

For example, to unset "--reference-links", use:


To inspect the value set for "--reference-links", use:

v = c.reference_links.value

To set the value of "--reference-links", use #reference_links=

def reference_links=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--reference-links".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def reference_location : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--reference-location".

For example, to unset "--reference-location", use:


To inspect the value set for "--reference-location", use:

v = c.reference_location.value

To set the value of "--reference-location", use #reference_location=

def reference_location=(__value : OptionType::ReferenceLocation) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--reference-location".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def request_header : CommandWrapper::Option::HashOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::HashOption to manage the key-value pairs of the hash-like command-line option "--request-header".

For example, to unset "--request-header", add two key-value pairs, and then check if a key is set and has a specific value to remove it, use:


c.request_header[key₁] = value₁
c.request_header[key₂] = value₂

if c.request_header.has_key? keyₓ && c.request_header[keyₓ] == valueₙ
  c.request_header.remove! keyₓ

To inspect the key-value pairs set for "--request-header", use:

v = c.request_header.to_h

To set the key-value pairs of "--request-header", use #request_header=.

def request_header=(__value : Hash(String, String)) #

Sets the key-value pairs of the hash-like command-line option "--request-header".

Raises an ArgumentError when any key-value pair in value is invalid.

def resource_path : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--resource-path".

For example, to unset "--resource-path", use:


To inspect the value set for "--resource-path", use:

v = c.resource_path.value

To set the value of "--resource-path", use #resource_path=

def resource_path=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--resource-path".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def sandbox : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--sandbox".

For example, to unset "--sandbox", use:


To inspect the value set for "--sandbox", use:

v = c.sandbox.value

To set the value of "--sandbox", use #sandbox=

def sandbox=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--sandbox".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def section_divs : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--section-divs".

For example, to unset "--section-divs", use:


To inspect the value set for "--section-divs", use:

v = c.section_divs.value

To set the value of "--section-divs", use #section_divs=

def section_divs=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--section-divs".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def shift_heading_level_by : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--shift-heading-level-by".

For example, to unset "--shift-heading-level-by", use:


To inspect the value set for "--shift-heading-level-by", use:

v = c.shift_heading_level_by.value

To set the value of "--shift-heading-level-by", use #shift_heading_level_by=

def shift_heading_level_by=(__value : Int8 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--shift-heading-level-by".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def slide_level : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--slide-level".

For example, to unset "--slide-level", use:


To inspect the value set for "--slide-level", use:

v = c.slide_level.value

To set the value of "--slide-level", use #slide_level=

def slide_level=(__value : UInt8 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--slide-level".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def split_level : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--split-level".

For example, to unset "--split-level", use:


To inspect the value set for "--split-level", use:

v = c.split_level.value

To set the value of "--split-level", use #split_level=

def split_level=(__value : UInt8 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--split-level".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def standalone : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--standalone".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--standalone". For example, if you want to switch off "--standalone", use:

To check if "--standalone" is set, use method standalone#set?.

def standalone=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--standalone" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call standalone#on and standalone#off to switch "--standalone" on or off.

def strip_comments : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--strip-comments".

For example, to unset "--strip-comments", use:


To inspect the value set for "--strip-comments", use:

v = c.strip_comments.value

To set the value of "--strip-comments", use #strip_comments=

def strip_comments=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--strip-comments".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def successful?(run : CommandWrapper::Run) : Bool #

Is a pandoc run successful?

Returns true when pandoc finished with a zero (0) exit code. If pandoc finished with a non-zero exit code, or it raised an exception, the run is considered unsuccesful, and this method returns false.

def syntax_definition : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--syntax-definition".

For example, to unset "--syntax-definition", use:


To inspect the value set for "--syntax-definition", use:

v = c.syntax_definition.value

To set the value of "--syntax-definition", use #syntax_definition=

def syntax_definition=(__value : Path) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--syntax-definition".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def tab_stop : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--tab-stop".

For example, to unset "--tab-stop", use:


To inspect the value set for "--tab-stop", use:

v = c.tab_stop.value

To set the value of "--tab-stop", use #tab_stop=

def tab_stop=(__value : UInt8 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--tab-stop".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def table_of_contents : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--table-of-contents".

For example, to unset "--table-of-contents", use:


To inspect the value set for "--table-of-contents", use:

v = c.table_of_contents.value

To set the value of "--table-of-contents", use #table_of_contents=

def table_of_contents=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--table-of-contents".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def template : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--template".

For example, to unset "--template", use:


To inspect the value set for "--template", use:

v = c.template.value

To set the value of "--template", use #template=

def template=(__value : Path | URI) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--template".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def title_prefix : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--title-prefix".

For example, to unset "--title-prefix", use:


To inspect the value set for "--title-prefix", use:

v = c.title_prefix.value

To set the value of "--title-prefix", use #title_prefix=

def title_prefix=(__value : String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--title-prefix".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def to : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--to".

For example, to unset "--to", use:!

To inspect the value set for "--to", use:

v =

To set the value of "--to", use #to=

def to=(__value : OptionType::ToFormat | String) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--to".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def toc_depth : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--toc-depth".

For example, to unset "--toc-depth", use:


To inspect the value set for "--toc-depth", use:

v = c.toc_depth.value

To set the value of "--toc-depth", use #toc_depth=

def toc_depth=(__value : UInt8 | Int32) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--toc-depth".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def top_level_division : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--top-level-division".

For example, to unset "--top-level-division", use:


To inspect the value set for "--top-level-division", use:

v = c.top_level_division.value

To set the value of "--top-level-division", use #top_level_division=

def top_level_division=(__value : OptionType::TopLevelDivision) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--top-level-division".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def trace : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--trace".

For example, to unset "--trace", use:


To inspect the value set for "--trace", use:

v = c.trace.value

To set the value of "--trace", use #trace=

def trace=(__value : Bool) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--trace".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def track_changes : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--track-changes".

For example, to unset "--track-changes", use:


To inspect the value set for "--track-changes", use:

v = c.track_changes.value

To set the value of "--track-changes", use #track_changes=

def track_changes=(__value : OptionType::TrackChanges) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--track-changes".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def variable : CommandWrapper::Option::HashOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::HashOption to manage the key-value pairs of the hash-like command-line option "--variable".

For example, to unset "--variable", add two key-value pairs, and then check if a key is set and has a specific value to remove it, use:


c.variable[key₁] = value₁
c.variable[key₂] = value₂

if c.variable.has_key? keyₓ && c.variable[keyₓ] == valueₙ
  c.variable.remove! keyₓ

To inspect the key-value pairs set for "--variable", use:

v = c.variable.to_h

To set the key-value pairs of "--variable", use #variable=.

def variable=(__value : Hash(String, String | Bool | Int32)) #

Sets the key-value pairs of the hash-like command-line option "--variable".

Raises an ArgumentError when any key-value pair in value is invalid.

def verbose : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--verbose".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--verbose". For example, if you want to switch off "--verbose", use:

To check if "--verbose" is set, use method verbose#set?.

def verbose=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--verbose" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call verbose#on and verbose#off to switch "--verbose" on or off.

def version : CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption #

Switches on command-line option "--version".

Returns a CommandWrapper::Option::SwitchOption to manage the switch option "--version". For example, if you want to switch off "--version", use:

To check if "--version" is set, use method version#set?.

def version=(__value : Bool) #

Switch on the command-line option "--version" by assigning value true. Switch the option off by assigning value false or calling method #delete!.

Alternatively, call version#on and version#off to switch "--version" on or off.

def webtex : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--webtex".

For example, to unset "--webtex", use:


To inspect the value set for "--webtex", use:

v = c.webtex.value

To set the value of "--webtex", use #webtex=

def webtex=(__value : URI | Nil) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--webtex".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.

def wrap : CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption #

Gets the CommandWrapper::Option::ValueOption to manage the value of the command-line option "--wrap".

For example, to unset "--wrap", use:


To inspect the value set for "--wrap", use:

v = c.wrap.value

To set the value of "--wrap", use #wrap=

def wrap=(__value : OptionType::Wrap) #

Sets the value of the command-line option "--wrap".

Raises an ArgumentError when value is invalid.